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donut brioche burger buns

Chocolate Burger

Prep: 5 minutes Serves: 1

Perfect treat when you have friends over

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Chocolate Burger is a deliciously sweet dessert burger to fuel your afternoon.

  • 1 St Pierre Brioche Burger Bun
  • Nutella chocolate hazelnut spread
  • Whipped cream
  • Chocolate flakes
  1. Open the brioche burger bun and spread a thick layer of Nutella inside
  2. Add a generous helping of whipped cream
  3. Close the burger bun and spread more Nutella over the top
  4. Sprinkle with chocolate flakes and enjoy

Enjoy your Chocolate Burger. Bon appétit!

St Pierre 4 Brioche Burger Buns (US)

4 Brioche Burger Buns

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St Pierre 6 Brioche Burger Buns (US)

6 Brioche Burger Buns

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